How we can help you and your business

If you own a limited company or work on a self-employed basis you might require advice on both your personal and business finances.

We can work alongside your other business advisers (including your accountant and solicitor) to ensure our recommendations are all-encompassing.

Services We Provide

If you are making profit but you aren’t saving into a pension then you could be missing out on various tax reliefs. You could reduce your tax bill whilst building up your personal wealth and planning for your eventual retirement.

What would happen if you, or a key member of staff, passed away? Specialist life insurance policies exist which can help your business carry on without you and, most importantly, without negatively affecting your family’s finances. Other policies exist which pay out if an important member of staff passes away or suffers a serious illness. This can provide a lump sum to cover lost profits or to give you time to find a new employee.

If you are just setting up a new company you will need to set up a pension scheme for your staff. Alternatively if you are an established company you might have questions about your existing pension scheme or about how you should treat new members of staff. The rules around auto enrolment can be complex so it could save you time (and money) to seek professional advice. Our director holds a specialist qualification (the Certificate in Pensions Automatic Enrolment, via the Pensions Management Institute) and has helped numerous local companies to fulfill their auto enrolment duties.
