
Pension savings can form a significant part of a couple’s assets, and spouses/partners often have different levels of pension savings.

Pension sharing is one of the options available on divorce or the dissolution of a civil partnership. It provides a clean break between parties as the pension assets are split immediately. This means each party can decide what to do with their share independently.

If you are awarded a share of your ex-spouse’s/partner’s pension savings, you might be able to join the original pension scheme.

Otherwise, you can – and might have to – transfer your share to an existing or new pension scheme in your name that’s able to accept the transfer.

We can help you find out your options and, if a transfer is desired or required, we can guide you through this process.


Divorce or dissolution can create a number of insurance queries, such as:

  • Can one party be removed from an existing jointly-held policy?
  • Is there a need for more/less/different insurance cover?
  • Where you are in receipt of maintenance payments (or similar), what will happen if your ex-spouse/partner passes away?

Great care must be taken with insurance policies, as cover will stop if the premiums are not paid. If one or both parties has experienced ill-health since the policy was originally taken out, it could be difficult or even impossible to obtain replacement cover.

We can help you review your insurance needs, review any existing policies, and address any shortfalls.

General financial planning

The end of a relationship can cause a great deal of financial confusion and turmoil, while also creating a fresh start and the beginning of a new set of plans.

We can help you map out your financial future. This involves:

  • Obtaining details of your current financial circumstances.
  • Discussing your future objectives.
  • Putting in place a strategy to help you reach your goals.



